California Kingsnake
Lampropeltis getula californiae A small subspecies of the Common Kingsnake, the California Kingsnake is a non-venomous colubrid found in the western United States. It is generally diurnal, becoming nocturnal only if the weather is too hot. In the winter, they can go deep underground and enter a hibernation-like state called brumation, characterized by a slowed metabolism and reduced activity. Opportunistic feeders, Kingsnakes feed on almost any vertebrate they can overpower. They are powerful contractors and generally kill their prey through suffocation. The "king" modifier refers to their propensity to hunt and consume other snakes, including venomous rattlesnakes (whose venom they are impervious–but not immune–to). California Kingsnakes commonly measure in at 2.5-3.5 feet in length.
Coast Horned Lizard
Phrynosoma coronatum This large lizard can be found between Baja and Sacramento Valley. Adults can grow up to 5 inches in total length, with coloration ranging from brown shades to cream. The skin appears rough, but aside from the spikes along the sides and head, it's actually pretty smooth. But don't touch one—when threatened, this lizard can shoot streams of blood out of its eyes!
Orange-Throated Whiptail
Aspidoscelis hyperythra A Southern California native, this lizard has some pretty fancy markings. Dark grey to black with five to six stripes down its back, it gets its name from the orange patch on its throat. Juveniles have bright blue legs and tails which fade with adulthood.
Pacific Gopher Snake
Pituophis catenifer catenifer The Pacific Gopher Snake is a species of large colubrid snake native to the western coast of the United States. Diurnal, though sometimes active at dusk and nocturnal during warm weather, the snake prefers drier habitats such as meadows and fields. Adults range in size from 2.5-7 feet, averaging more between 4.5-5 feet. The San Diego Gopher Snake is set apart from the Pacific Gopher Snake with barren markings and an absence of rows of spots along the sides.
Red diamond Rattlesnake
Crotalus ruber With a territory extending through Baja California north into southern California, you may run into one of these critters. If you do, run: these snakes are venomous. They can grow up to 55 inches(pretty big for a snake), and are reddish in color. The rattler can be found on the coast, in the mountains and desert, but they prefer chaparral scrub, boulders, and cactus patches.
Side-blotched Lizard
Uta stansburiana These are the most common lizards in the deserts of western North America. Males with the orange-colored throats are able to establish the largest territories, bringing in the most females. Yellow-throats stay on the outskirts of these territories and mate with the resident females when the orange-throats aren't looking. Blue-throats establish a much smaller territorial area, but large enough for one female. Both sexes grow to around 6 inches.
Southern Alligator Lizard
Elgaria multicarinata The Southern Alligator Lizard is native to the Pacific coast, and common throughout southern California. Three subspecies can be distinguished: the California alligator lizard, the San Diego alligator lizard (E. m. webbii), and the Oregon alligator lizard. The species has a long prehensile tail, up to twice the length of its body. Like many lizards, it can drop its tail if attacked, but will never be as long or richly colored as the original. Individuals with intact tails can reach around 20 inches in total length.
Western Fence Lizard
Sceloporus occidentalis Also known as the "blue-belly" for its bright blue abdomen, this lizard can be found all over California. Adults can grow to about 8 inches in length, including the tail. Both sexes are black to dark brown in color, but the bright blue markings are much lighter in females. An adaptable creature, this lizard avoids only harsh desert habitats.
Western Skink
Plestiodon skiltonianus The Western Skink is a smooth-scaled lizard with short limbs. Their range extends throughout the western United States, but is restricted to coastal regions in central and southern California. The lizard seems to prefer a somewhat moist environment, frequenting grassland, broken chaparral and pinyon-juniper. Color patterns are not varied: broad brown stripe down the back, edged with black and bordered on each side with a white/beige dorsolateral stripe. Juveniles exhibit a vivid striped pattern and a bright blue tail.