Black-tailed Weasel
Mustela frenata Also known as the long-tailed and bridled weasel, this species can be found from southern Canada south throughout the United States down into South America. This weasel's ancestors can be traced back 5 to 7 million years ago, where their small frame and long body allowed them to survive the ice age into modern day. It is one of the largest members of Mustela, measuring around 13 inches at adulthood from tail to head. The fur is brown in the summer with pale underparts and the tail has a distinctive black tip.
Lynx rufus The smallest member of the lynx genus and the only species native to California, the bobcat bears the ear tufts and sideburns characteristic of all lynxes and has an almost jaguar-like spotted coat. Where: The bobcat prefers woodlands but is adaptable to most habitats. When: A crepuscular animal, the bobcat rests during midday and midnight hours and the rest of the time is on the move.
Sylvilagus This genus is widely distributed throughout North and Central America into South America. Most species in this genus sport a stubby tail with a white underside, hence "cottontail". Adults can grow anywhere between 13 and 17 inches in length and can weigh up to 3.5 pounds. The color morphs range from grey to light brown to dark brown.
Canis latrans Like wolves, coyotes hunt in packs but more commonly in pairs. Interbreeding with domestic dogs is estimated to contribute to 10-15% of a "wild" coyote’s genetic makeup. It is thought that human development has actually helped increase the coyote’s range, further illustrating its dog-like adaptability. Where: Versatile creatures, coyotes can be found anywhere in North and Central America.
Deer Mouse
Peromyscus Even though it looks a lot like a house mouse, the two are not related. The deer mouse has larger eyes and a two-tone coloring (brown back / white stomach), and can run and jump with more energy than the house mouse. It is found primarily in woodlands and bushy areas, but will also adapt to alpine, grassland, and even desert habitats.
Kangaroo Rat
Dipodomys californicus Like gophers and squirrels, kangaroo rats have conspicuous food-storing cheek pouches but their most notable feature is their hind legs which enable them to jump many times their body length of up to 8 feet. Kangaroo rats move bipedally and may use a move-freeze maneuver as a stealth tactic. They prefer to eat seeds and hoard their food like gophers, using their cheeks for transport. Where: Though kangaroo rats live in communal burrows, they tend to be solitary and have little to no social organization.
California Ground Squirrel
Otospermophilus beecheyi A common prey animal of raptors and hawks, California ground squirrels are known for their bushy tails and fearlessness toward humans. Where: A common squirrel of the western US and Baja California, Mexico, ground squirrels may live together in communal dens but each squirrel has its own entrance. Squirrels have adapted well to human development. When: Squirrels are active throughout the year except in colder climates, where they hibernate through the winter.
Mountain Lion
Puma concolor Though second in size only to the jaguar among American felines, the cougar (also: puma, mountain lion) is actually more closely related to a house cat. Fatal attacks on humans are rare but have been increasing as their habitat disappears. Where: The cougar can be found everywhere in the continental western hemisphere, in any type of habitat. When: Cougars are nocturnal but are occasionally seen during daylight.
Mule Deer
Odocoileus hemionus This deer is indigenous to western North America. Growing between 31 and 42 inches tall and up to 7 feet long, including the tail, adult deer can weigh in at over 300 pounds. Most are light brown with a long white tail tipped with black. During mating season, males aggressively compete for females, which is called "rutting". The deer's habitat depends on the time of the year and where the most food can be found.
Procyon lotor Like the coyote, the Raccoon is a rare example of a mammal which has actually increased its numbers due to human expansion. Noted for its intelligence, the common raccoon is a member of the superfamily musteloidea (eg: badgers, weasels). Omnivorous, it will readily seek out and consume human food, not unlike the black bear. Where: Originally preferring mixed and deciduous forests, urban raccoons have become ubiquitous. When: Raccoons are nocturnal.