Neuroptera Myrmeleontiformia comprises a broad group of winged insects, though the common name refers to the larval members. Cosmopolitan in distribution but most common in dry and sandy habitats, the larvae live on small insects, mainly ants, but can switch to pollen and nectar at adulthood. Adults have long, multi-veined wings and a slender abdomen: they are rarely seen in the wild.
Black Widow
Latrodectus hesperus is notorious as the only spider you might encounter in San Diego with a significantly dangerous bite. The hourglass marking is not limited to bright red in its coloring, ranging from yellow to orange as well; in addition, the mark may not be hourglass-shaped at all. The common name comes from the male’s risk of being eaten by the female after courtship (not unheard of amongst the arachnids). Black widows like dark, undisturbed areas in domestic habitats, such as crevices or wood piles.
Click Beetle
Coleoptera elateroidea is a cosmopolitan (adapted most anywhere in the world) family of beetles, commonly named for its ability to produce a “click”, bouncing itself in the air. Most click beetles are smallish and dull-colored, but some varieties can grow to be quite large and colorful. The larvae feed on decaying vegetation and the roots of plants, and are capable of causing extensive crop damage.
Crane Fly
Diptera tipulidae is a long-legged fly, commonly mistaken for a 'giant mosquito'. The large is commonly known as a leatherjacket, causing damage to lawns by feeding on roots and causing predators to damage the ground by attacking them. Also known as the mosquito hawk, their flight pattern can be best described as "wobbly. Growing between 0.75 to 2.4 inches in length, this insect sports non piercing mouthparts are non-parasitic and, despite their referenced name (Mosquito hawk) do not feed on mosquitos.
Odonata zygoptera are visually similar to dragonflies. The two can be differentiated by their wings: damselflies hold their large, clear wings wings parallel to the body, as opposed to perpendicular and spread apart. These insects are typically smaller with separated eyes. They begin their lives in water as carnivorous nymphs, emerging as brightly-colored adults. The damselfly has a broad color range–green, blue, yellow, black or red, oblong heads and short antennae.
Desert Tarantula
Aphonopelma chalcodes No one is exactly sure how many species of Aphonopelma are in the San Diego County area (2-4). The ones most commonly seen are California desert tarantula and the ebony variety. These arachnids build burrows rather than spin webs, and can grow between 3 and a whopping 10 inches. Dimorphic, the females are usually a uniform tan color whereas the males have black legs and a reddish body.
Dermaptera is an insect order blanketed under the common name of 'earwig'. The scientific name translates as 'skin wings', referring to the insect's membraneous wings which fold under a set of short forewings. Sporting characteristic pincers on their abdomen(cerci), these nocturnal insects rarely use their flying ability, preferring to hide in crevices and forage at night. Earwigs exhibit maternal care, which is very uncommon among most insects.
Fig Beetle
Cotinis mutabilis is a scarab belonging to a group known as 'flower chafers', named so for their feeding habits. Found primarily in the southwest, figeaters can be mistaken for the green June beetles. This beetle can grow to an average of 1.25 inches in length, with a matte green top shell and an iridescent bright green underside and legs.
Orthoptera caelifera are large insects commonly mistaken for crickets or katydids. Dimorphic, females are generally larger than the males, with both sexes sporting antennae shorter than their body and mandibles for cutting and tearing food. The hind legs are strong and developed for leaping. Most grasshoppers are omnivorous but prefer plant matter.
Hairy Scorpion
Centruroides exilicauda is the species of scorpion typically found in San Diego, and is considered the most venomous of the scorpions found in North America. Males can grow up to 3.15 inches in length, the females being slightly smaller. The body is made up of two parts, with a segmented tail extending out from the abdomen. This arachnid will ambush its prey, usually roaches, crickets and other insects. The creature will glow when exposed to blacklight, useful as they are nocturnal.
Harvester Ant
Euprenolepis procera This is the common name for any species of ants that collect seeds (seed predation) which are stored in communal chambers (granaries). Ants play an important role in plant communities by acting as dispersal agents or as seed predators (or both).
Jerusalem Cricket
Orthoptera stenopelmatidae are a group of flightless insects native to the southwest. Though not true crickets nor native to Jerusalem, these large insects are of the same order as true crickets. Not venomous, Jerusalem crickets can inflict a terrible bite when pestered. Growing to about an inch in length with thread-like antennae and a large head. The insect ranges in color from light to dark brown, with a striped abdomen.
June Beetle
Coleoptera phyllophaga is a large genus of the New World scarabs. Black or reddish-brown in color, they can range from 0.5 to 1.5 inches in size at adulthood. These beetles are chafers, feeding on deciduous foliage and shrubs. The grubs will attack garden vegetables and plants, feeding for 3-4 years before adulthood.
Tettigoniidae is a family of insects consisting of more that 6,400 species. Exhibiting mimicry, katydids are known to camouflage themselves with their surrounding foliage. Distinguished from grasshoppers by their long antennae (sometimes exceeding their own body length), the larger katydids can inflict a painful bite when handled.
Ladybird Beetle
Coccinella is native to eastern Asia, but was introduced to the Americas and Europe to control crop parasites, such as aphids. The beetles range from yellow-orange to red to black, with black spots.
Diptera culicidae are smallish parasitic flies, at times transmitting harmful diseases to both humans and livestock. Literally translating as 'little fly' in Spanish and Portuguese, only the females suck blood. The first three stages of life up until adulthood are mostly aquatic, lasting 5 to 14 days. The length at adulthood rarely exceeds 0.6 inches, with slender, segmented bodies. When not drinking blood, both females and males will subsist on plant juices and nectar.
Ponderous Borer
Ergates spiculatus neomexicanus is easily confused with the smaller spotted Asian longhorn beetle, but can be distinguished by its significantly larger size and solid coloring. Reddish brown, this beetle ranging in size from 1.5 to 2.5 inches, making it one of the largest beetles found in Southern California.
Potato Bug
Cosmopepla lintneriana ------
Diptera Asilidae is also commonly known as the assassin fly. This powerful, bristly fly possesses short, stout mouthparts and aggressive predatory habits. This fly stabs its prey with its short proboscis, injecting it with proteolytic enzymes which liquify the victim's insides by which the fly will suck and consume.
Lepidoptera hesperioidea are named for their fast-darting flight habits. Often mistaken for moths on account of their backwards-hooked antennae, this butterfly has a stocky body, small wings, and large eyes. Most Skippers seen in San Diego County are drably-colored, but the occasional yellow, red or blue-hued specimen can be spotted.
Stink Beetle
Eleodes gigantea is a large beetle found throughout California. Growing up to an inch in length at adulthood, this glossy black beetle gets its common name from its defense mechanism: sticking its abdomen in the air and spraying a foul odor at the perceived threat.
Tarantula Hawk
Pompilidae Pepsinae is a spider wasp with an appetite for tarantulas, this dangerous insect has the second most painful sting in the world. They can grow up to 2 inches long (large for a wasp), with dark blue bodies and rusty wings. They wrestle with their tarantula prey by means of long, hooked claws. After paralyzing (but not killing) and dragging its victim back to its nest. The wasp's larvae creates a hole in the spider's stomach and feeds, avoiding vital organs to keep the spider alive. The males don't hunt, but feed on nectar and flowers.
Isoptera termitoidae consist of a group of insects found all over the world. Feeding mostly on dead plant matter, about 10% of the approximately 4,000 species are considered significant pests and economically as well as ecologically impactful. Eusocial(of a high level of socialization and hierarchy, characterized by social stratification and cooperative labor distribution), termites are guided by swarm intelligence with colonies containing nymphs, soldiers, workers, and reproductive individuals. Workers make up 60% of all termite species; soldiers function as colony defense against ant attacks, some with jaws so big that they cannot feed themselves, and usually blind; the winged, or reproductive, caste, will leave the nest in swarms to mate and repopulate in new colonies.
Tomato Hornworm
Manduca quinquemaculata is a hawk moth, a family distinguished for their fast and sustained flying abilities. Found throughout North America, these moths feed on their namesake vegetable and other plants from the same family (eggplant, pepper, tobacco, etc.).
Trapdoor Spider
Araneae Ctenizoidea gets its common name from its style of web, which is equipped with a hinged trapdoor. Those found in San Diego County are closely related to tarantulas, but can be distinguished by the stockiness of their body in proportion to their legs and the two lobes which join their fangs to their heads. They are harmless to humans.
Variable Darner
Aeshna is a dragonfly native throughout North America. Named for its distinctive striped pattern along its thorax of the male specimen. This insect can be found in many habitats, including peat lands and cattail marshes, but is most associated with grassland pool environments.