
American Bullfrog

Rana catesbeiana The American Bullfrog, simply known as the bullfrog in the United States, is a member of the family Ranidae, or "true frogs". A frog of larger, stationary water bodies (such as lakes, swamps, and ponds), the bullfrog can usually be found along the water’s edge. In rainy weather, however, bullfrogs travel overland and may be seen en masse on rural roads. It is known that American bullfrogs live longer in warmer weather, making San Diego a desirable breeding ground for these creatures. On average, bullfrogs grow between 3.5 and 6 inches in body length, with legs adding another 7 to 10 inches. They are highly invasive.

Arroyo Toad

Anaxyrus californicus Found only in Southern and Baja California, this toad makes the list of threatened species due to development and destruction of its native habitat. Growing up to 3 inches in length, the body is green, gray, or even salmon-colored, with a light stripe across the eyelids. It can be found near river habitats between March and September.

California Slender Salamander

Batrachoseps attenuatus The California Slender Salamander is a lungless salamander found in coastal mountain areas of California and southern Oregon. To note: this species resides in a limited range within California as one of a handful of endemic amphibians in the state. Found in several plant communities, including California oak woodland and riparian zone, the slender salamander seeks cover near streams and other moist environments. Its activity is heightened in intervals of light rain and immediately thereafter. The shape of this plethodontid salamander is typically 7-13 centimeters in total length. The body and head shapes are narrow, and respiration is through the skin.

California Tree Frog

Pseudacris cadaverina The California Tree Frog is an interestingly colored species of frog, often resembling granitic stones. This species most likely occurs along streams with abundant boulders and cobbles in their channels. Indigenous to coastal southern California, the California tree frog has conspicuous toe webbing and pads, with warty dorsal skin. Adults grow between 2.9 and 5 centimeters long.

Western Toad

Bufo boreas The Western Toad is a large toad species of western North America. It can be frequently spotted during wet seasons on roads, or near water year-round. Able to jump a considerable distance for a toad and ranging in size between 2 and 5.5 inches, the males have smoother skin compared to the females, with reduced dorsal blotching and nuptial pads (thickened skin) on their forefeet during breeding season. Both sexes are dusky gray or greenish with a white or cream dorsal stripe.