
American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos is a passerine bird commonly found through most of North America. It can be distinguished from the Raven with its smaller, curved bill and square tail. This bird is covered with iridescent black feathers; its bill, legs and feet are black as well. Growing up to 21 inches in length (including tail), this crow has a wingspan of up to 40 inches. The distinctive call is a loud, rapid “caaw-caaw-caaw”.

Anna's Hummingbird

Calypte anna Named after Anna Massena, Dutchess of Rivoli, this hummingbird is native to the western coastline of North America. Reaching around 4 inches in length, the bird has a bronze to green dorsal morph, a gray chest and green flanks. Adult males have a distinctive iridescent red throat and crown and a forked tail. They feed on nectar with their extendable tongue, but will occasionally eat flying insects as well.

Bronzed Cowbird

Molothrus aeneus are parasitic birds. These medium-sized, dull brown birds feed on insects, particularly those stirred up by herds of cattle. In order to stay with the herd and remain mobile, the Cowbird has adapted by laying eggs in other birds’ nests.

California Gnatcatcher

Polioptila californica was recently split from its Sonoran cousin, the Blacktailed Gnatcatcher, and can be distinguished by its black crown and beak. Females have a blue-grey crown, but both sexes are similar in plumage: dark-grey-to-black bodies with long black tails tipped with white. Its range extends from coastal Southern California into Baja California Sur.

California Quail

Callipepla californica Also known as the valley quail and famous as California's state bird, this little ground-dwelling bird belongs to the New World quail family. They a have a distinctive plume of six feathers, brown-colored for females and black for males. These birds are plump and round with short necks and long, square tails. Dimorphic, females are grey-brown with a pale underside and males sport a little brown cap with a black face, a blueish chest and a pale underside.

Coastal Cactus Wren

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus The largest wren in North America, this bird is native to the southwest. Because of its size (7-9 inches in length) and loud voice, it is easily spotted. Look for a brown head, striped wings and spotted tail, and a white eyestripe. The bird prefers a drier habitat, as it nests in cactus plants.

Greater Roadrunner

Geococcyx californianus literally translates as "California Earth-cuckoo". One of two species in the roadrunner genus, this long-legged bird is about 24 inches long with a 24 inch wingspan. Reaching heights of up to a foot, it is the largest of the two species. Adults have a bushy crest, a long thick bill, and a long tail. These birds have zygodactyl feet, with two toes forward and two facing backward. They can be found in desert and chaparral habitats of northern Mexico and the Southwestern US.


Anas platyrhynchos This duck breeds throughout most of the world, save the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East. Males have a shiny green head, a gray underside and gray marks on the wings, and a brown throat with a distinctive white band. Females are more understated, with dark brown-speckled feathers throughout. Mallards prefer wetland habitat, where they feed on water plants and small animals.

Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura A member of the dove family, this widely-recognized bird goes by many common names, including the Turtle Dove or Rain Dove. The 'Mourning' variation comes from its plaintive 'woo-woo-woo' call. This particular dove is also the leading gamebird, up to 70 million shot annually for meat and sport. A strong flier, the mourning dove can reach speeds of up to 55 mph. Light grey to muted brown in color, these birds are non-dimorphic in markings and size. Both parents will take turns incubating and caring for their young (squabs). These doves subsist almost entirely on seeds.

Northern Mockingbird

Mimus polyglottos This passerine group of New World birds are best known for mimicking the songs of other birds, as well as the sounds of amphibians and insects. The only mockingbird found in North America, this mainly resident bird will move south during inclement weather. An omnivore, the bird eats both insects and fruits. Medium-sized and non-dimorphic, the upper parts are a medium gray with a white underside.

Red-shouldered Hawk

Buteo lineatus has a breeding range extending from eastern North America to the coast of California and Mexico. This bird grows 15-25 inches, and weighs between 1.2 and 1.5 lb, with the females growing slightly larger than the males. Adults have brown heads, rufous chests, and pale stomachs with rufous bars across. The hawk can be identified by their crescent-like wing markings and long tails.

Western Screech Owl

Megascops kennicotti This small owl, native to North and Central America, is larger than its Eastern and and European Scops cousins. With a tail to head length of up to 9 inches and an average wingspan of 22 inches, this owl is dimorphic with females being notably larger than the males. There are several color morph variations: Grey Pacific, Brown Pacific, Mexican, Mojave, and Great Plains. All have a round head with tufted ears, a yellowish bill and striking yellow eyes.